The Rich Get a Tax Cut, While the Poor Get Poorer

Income tax has been cut to ‘stimulate growth’ a.k.a. give rich people more money.

Stela G.
3 min readSep 23, 2022


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Liz Thatcher’s government is back with another installment of Make Britain Victorian Again.

She’s stealing from the poor and giving to the rich, she’s a modern-day Tory hero-o-o…

And now her cabinet is proposing a brand new tax cut to stimulate growth. This newest clusterf*ck will see the rich get richer while the poor…starve.

Kwasi Kwarteng, her chancellor, is planning on slashing the higher 45% tax rate on people making over £150,000 a year. This will now be 40%.

But that’s not at all! The cap on banker’s bonuses has been lifted too, and corporation taxes won’t be rising after all, despite a planned rise.

But don’t worry — he’s throwing us peasants on the basic rate a bone too. We’ll now have to pay just 19% rather than the 20% we had to pay before.

If that seems like a desperate attempt to placate the angry masses, it’s because it is.

For context, if you pay tax on £30,000 a year after your tax-free allowance, you’ll have an extra £300 in your pocket now every year.



Stela G.

Freelance writer, former journalist, international law graduate, first-gen immigrant based in Yorkshire